The Story of "The Great Songs of Christmas"
and other Christmas LP's from Goodyear

For over 15 years, beginning in 1961, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company graced each Christmas season with an LP of holiday favorites by various artists, sold both at Goodyear stores and at gas stations that sold Goodyear tires, like Richfield. These records were a big part of Christmas in my growing years, so when GeoCities was all the rage, I put together a site dedicated to the albums, listing not only their content but links to where the songs could be purchased (which was not always possible) and some background information. GeoCities disappeared some years ago, but my research never stopped. I created a Blogger page to try and keep it going. Now thanks to NeoCities, I can once again try to make this a current-style web page and add the results of my research that has continued over time. I have received many generous compliments of my efforts, and I am determined to keep the information online for enjoyment and reference.
Probably the most unexpected aspect of the Goodyear Christmas albums to come out of my research was that they were not strictly an American phenomenom. Goodyear produced albums for markets in Canada, the UK, Australia, and Mexico. Sometimes these were basic copies of what appeared in the US, but quite often they were completely unique. So those familiar with my earlier GeoCities site and Blogger page will notice a difference in the structure of the new site, with major subsections for each market.
I have also included a subsection for the smallest market of all: those who got the 'deluxe' editions. Definitely not meant for the general public, these were probably for Goodyear executives and/or prime customers who generally got special treatment. These are hardest to find, but quite a treasure if found.
As with all my research, I'm the first one to say there is probably much more to be found than what I have presented here. Comments, suggestions, and input are both welcome and encouraged. And I must give a special thanks to eBay, which is where I have discovered so much about the foreign editions.
This website is strictly a labor of love from one who grew up with these records being part & parcel of the Christmas season. Have a look, have a laugh, and maybe you'll even say, "Hey I remember that."
(Disclaimer: all information contained herein is based on my own research. Content is not affiliated with Goodyear, Columbia/CBS/Sony, RCA/BMG, or any other corporation referenced. Clarifications, comments, and contrary evidence is welcome in the interest of making this reference material viable to any interested party.)