This was incredible - a boxed set containing all 7 albums that had been released to date. No color vinyl, but poly-lined inner sleeves for each album. And most amazing for a tech-head like me, the first three albums were in stereo! Normally that would make me cheer, except that they weren't in REAL stereo but 'electronically rechanneled' stereo (as in, 'fake'). It's true that some of the tracks had not been recorded in stereo to begin with, but most of them were, and those versions would have sounded wonderful if they had been used instead. So somehow, they took the time & expense to do the reprocessing, but more amazing they didn't use real stereo where it was available. I'm not going to repeat the content of each album as it's the same as the content from each individual album's initial release. But this is the one deluxe edition that I actually own, so more pictures for your curiosity. |